September 15, 2006

Where why why whyyyyyy what?

Where: I haven't been online web browsing much. Other than email and various updates, I know I've been neglecting my blog for all it's worth. I've been on IRC a lot lately, on the 3 networks IA, Rizon and the highway. And yes, it sucks. lol.

Why?: I've been feeling down lately, and I'm really trying to find a new career change. I just can't take dealing with money anymore with all these Funding service's, Brokers, etc...

Why? #2: I'm still in Germany. Hell, I don't even live here. I need to get the fark out of here lol...

Whyyyyyy?: With a new career change in mind, you all are probably wondering why. Who cares, anime will still be a part of my life,

What?: I decide to make blog living again. Blog nice place for me. Blog know when to make good posts. Ok, enough with the kid talk. I, with a new blogging in mind, will now show the following topics that I promised a wee....months ago lol. The following topics is what I plan to discuss and just plain post for your amusement. Yes, it will...or should be, mostly anime/manga related:

"I know something you didn't" (not entirely anime/manga related)
"That anime scene you didn't really notice"
"Something in a manga you never really thought about much"
"That anime figure/garage kit that I want to talk about"
"That news article bothers me..." (Not entirely anime/manga related)
"Something I thought about in real life"
"That anime related merchandise bothers me"
"That manga you probably never read"
"Just about any other anime related topic"

More topics may surface during my life, so I will keep you posted. Now, first topic I would like to discuss is,

"That anime related merchandise bothers me"

Something I came across while doing my normal chores:

Hmm, nice.....poster. A Poster from what I believe is Megami magazine (I currently have no idea which issue, my August/September issues are in the mail back home). Seems to be a poster of the new StrikerS series of the MSLN line. Maybe a old poster that I seemed to have passed by, maybe it's something I just never really thought of. I know I haven't been to the Animesuki forums of late, but this image really...bothered me. Bothered, as in "can't sleep at night" kind of bothered lol. This it a prelude of things to come? Is it true the series will be about the girls who have grown to be a woman? Is it true that I will no longer be labeled as a lolicon when I shout "I love Nanoha!!!!" out in public/online? Will my Veeta be in this series as one who is entering adulthood? (ok ok enough 20 questions, I already know the answers to all of them lol...)

First, someone tell me Fate will retain her pigtail hairstyle. That's the only reason why I became a Fate-con! (ok, not the only reason. The other reason is that I got to see her pantsu through the first 2 series thanks to her short skirt. LOL) Next, someone tell me the two catgirls are in, because I'm.....I love their stockings lol...anyone who knows me should know that the prettiest girl is one wearing a short skirt and absolute territory stockings!!!! Comments welcome.

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